The zebra shark feeds primarily on shelled molluscs, though it also takes crabs, lobster,crayfish shrimps, small fish.
This is a zebra shark, in Thailand also known as leopard shark. During the day, zebra sharks are sluggish and usually found resting on the sea bottom, sometimes using their pectoral fins to prop up the front part of their bodies and facing into the current with their mouths open to facilitate respration. Reef channels are favored resting spots, since the tightened space yields faster, more oxygenated water. They become more active at night or when food becomes available. Zebra sharks are strong and agile swimmers, propelling themselves with pronounced anguilliform (eel-like) undulations of the body and tail. In a steady current, they have been seen hovering in place with sinuous waves of their tails.
The zebra shark feeds primarily on shelled molluscs, though it also takes crabs, lobster,crayfish shrimps, small fish.
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